We offer a unique, well-rounded approach to education that combines academic excellence, creative enrichment, pastoral care, and meaningful partnerships to help every child thrive beyond the classroom.
Our offer for all children
A creative curriculum that broadens horizons and enriches every child’s experience.
Weekly curriculum music lessons from a specialist music teacher.
Weekly singing lessons led by a specialist coach.
Annually, a term of specialist dance tuition, integrating movement with abstract concepts.
Annually, half a year of weekly Swimming lessons for all children in Years 3 and above at Camberwell Baths.
Regular specialist sports sessions with a qualified teacher and coach.
Academic Excellence
Empowering teachers, inspiring learners.
High quality staff training Programme: staff receive an additional half-day of non-contact time for peer coaching and development.
Time protected for teachers to run keep-up and catch-up interventions to ensure accelerated progress for all.
A centrally planned curriculum focused on small-step progression and building on prior knowledge whilst still being reflective of Camberwell.
A focus on reducing cognitive load: staff trained on using clear, concise explanations and well-designed visual resources.
Use of booklets to support the expansion of schemes of understanding while reducing teacher workload, allowing staff to focus on adapting lessons for pupils.
Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
Supporting every child’s emotional, physical, and social development.
Sports with a lifelong approach—teaching skills for secondary school and beyond.
A rich Beyond the Classroom club offer: chess, cooking, distance running, and peripatetic music lessons.
Dedicated in-house counsellor for pupils awaiting CAMHS support.
Partnership with Groundworks to support pupils and families.
It Takes a Village Supper Club – regular meal support for families in need.
Collaborating to broaden opportunities and enrich learning experiences.
Alleyn’s Junior School partnership programme.
Close connections with The Unicorn Theatre and Camberwell College of Art.
Sports partnership with Tottenham Hotspur.
Musical concerts in collaboration with St Giles' Church.
All Rise Legal Workshops
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