Our Curriculum



We believe that all Lyndhurst pupils should have a lifelong passion for learning. They should be taught the skills they need to identify and overcome any individual barriers to their acquisition of knowledge. This will be achieved through a holistic, evidence informed pedagogy that holds inclusivity at its heart, where teachers model that they are also learners and are compassionate whilst having high standards. Our curriculum is rooted in our local area and allows learners to apply our core values. This will develop staff who are creative and engaged and pupils who are proactive, informed and who are confident in celebrating individuality.

Our carefully sequenced Curriculum

In the Early Years and Foundation Stage and Key Stage One teaching happens through the use of topics and themes. In Key Stage Two we teach explicit subjects although where relevant and appropriate cross-curricular links are made. 

Our curriculum is mapped from Early Years to Year Six so that we can ensure that a child’s learning journey in each subject is developmental and builds on prior learning. 

Each subject has a clear intent which outlines what we aim to achieve in our teaching of the subject. Each subject also has a progression map which illustrates how the learning of knowledge (skills and facts) is distributed between each year group. Year groups then have a curriculum map which shows how they will spread their year’s required knowledge across the three terms. 

Key Forms and Policies

Access key forms and statutory curriculum documents that the school needs to publish below


There is so much to learn at Lyndhurst and I love that! My favourite is when we use what we have learned to do something like when we make things.


I do not want my child to learn about something, what can I do?

Most of our curriculum is based on the national curriculum and is statutory. If you have a concern about something being covered then please talk to your child's class teacher. There are some subjects that you can withdraw your child from (RE and the Yr 6. some aspects of Relationships Sex Education curriculum), to do this you should make an appointment to speak to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.

I have a question about an aspect of the curriculum, what can I do?

Have a look on the year group hub and subject pages which explain the curriculum in more detail. If you still have a question, contact your child's class teacher.

My child tells me that they find maths boring, are they being challenged?

We know that many pupils are finding the adjustment to a mastery model of maths tricky. Once a skill is mastered, pupils are encouraged to apply it in broader contexts to really check their level of understanding. This ensures that everyone masters the core concept and some children get the chance to apply it further.

How do I find out what my child is learning about?

The year group hubs on this website will show you the broad areas that your child will cover in each half term. The subjects section of the curriculum page will give you more detail about the progression within each subject between year groups. You can also speak to your child's class teacher at any point in the year if you have a question.