Music Lessons
Peripatetic LESSONS
We provide professional and experienced instrumental lessons on Piano, Drum Kit, Guitar, Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Recorder, Violin, Ukulele, trombone and Cello with over one hundred children learning an instrument at present. Aside from the instrumental lessons that are paid for by parents we have three subsidised schemes running in the music department.
Lessons are either individual (£155 per term) or group (£110 per term). All lessons include the loan of an instrument, the music manuscripts needed, a spring concert and any repairs needed.

Making the Grade
Pupils take instrumental grades right across the board. We have a 100% pass rate with a high percentage of children achieving merit or distinction in their exams; some pupils are taking Grade 4 and 5 before they leave and with the opportunities we provide many pupils apply for and receive music scholarships into secondary education.
Group Singing and Class Music
All year groups participate in class music and singing every week. We look at all areas of music and provide an environment for them to be creative in. Other groups at school include The Lyndhurst Choir for years three to six, Guitar Group, Staff Choir, School Orchestra and Recorder Ensemble. We hold three concerts every year, a Winter Choir Concert, a Spring Instrumental Concert and an outdoor summer concert called The Playground Proms. All concerts showcase the children’s talents and provide a valuable community spirit for the parents, teachers and the school overall. As well as these events we produce a Year 6 musical production in the summer term and various outreach projects throughout the year.
Year 4 Recorders
When the children reach year 3 they all learn the recorder in class for the duration of the year. This gives them an opportunity to learn an instrument, read music and to perform in a group. All this learning is applauded when they perform a few pieces at the Playground Proms in the Summer.
Musical Outreach
Over the years we have been fortunate enough to be involved with the London Philarmonic Orchestra, Southwark Music Services, Wigmore Hall, The Globe Theatre, Centre for Young Musicians, The Animate Orchestra, Multi-Storey Orchestra and The Royal Ballet Company on large-scale educational projects. Due to the instrumental level growing all the time we now have pupils being taught at Trinity & Laban College of Music, Royal College of Music and performing with CYM and The Animate Orchestra. We also also do choir concerts in the community and local events and at Kings College Hospital.
Music Lessons
There are spaces available for instrumental music lessons. Please email Mr Chambers at to show interest to join or go on the waiting list. For more information, please download our brochure below.
Spring Instrumental Concert
This concert is primarily designed for children to have a platform to showcase what they have been working on in their instrumental lessons. It provides them with important performance practice that will help them in exams and to conquer any fears regarding playing in public. There are some exceptions but this concert is for children at a Grade One standard or higher,
Winter Concert
If you’re new to the Lyndhurst community you may not have heard about the Winter Concert that we hold at St Giles Church, Camberwell every December. It’s one of the highlights in the school calendar. This year’s concert will be on Thursday 15th December at 6pm and more information will follow nearer the time.
The Playground Proms
The Playground Proms is the main music event we host at Lyndhurst. It showcases the children’s wonderful singing with each year group performing a song, school choirs, orchestra, recorder ensemble and every so often the Staff Choir. This is an outdoor event that we host on the MUGA and we encourage people to bring picnics and their voices to sing along with the children.
I do not want my child to learn about something, what can I do?
Most of our curriculum is based on the national curriculum and is statutory. If you have a concern about something being covered then please talk to your child's class teacher. There are some subjects that you can withdraw your child from (RE and the Yr 6. some aspects of Relationships Sex Education curriculum), to do this you should make an appointment to speak to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.
I have a question about an aspect of the curriculum, what can I do?
Have a look on the year group hub and subject pages which explain the curriculum in more detail. If you still have a question, contact your child's class teacher.
My child tells me that they find maths boring, are they being challenged?
We know that many pupils are finding the adjustment to a mastery model of maths tricky. Once a skill is mastered, pupils are encouraged to apply it in broader contexts to really check their level of understanding. This ensures that everyone masters the core concept and some children get the chance to apply it further.
How do I find out what my child is learning about?
The year group hubs on this website will show you the broad areas that your child will cover in each half term. The subjects section of the curriculum page will give you more detail about the progression within each subject between year groups. You can also speak to your child's class teacher at any point in the year if you have a question.