Lyndhurst Primary School has been part of The Charter Schools Educational Trust since April 2021.
The Charter Schools Educational Trust is a multi-academy trust of schools based in Southwark. Our mission is to inspire and nurture children and young people in South London to excel, through education that transforms lives and strengthens our diverse communities. The Trust family currently includes five primary and two secondary schools, including sixth form provision, each based in the South London, and includes the London South Teaching School Hub and a designated Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research school.
For more information about the Trust, including governance, policies and financial reports, please visit the website
Registered Office: Red Post Hill, London SE24 9JH.
Tel: 020 7346 6639
Company Number: 073338707
Each school in The Charter Schools Educational Trust has a local governing body (LGB) composed of a group of volunteers drawn from the wider community, each bringing a range of skills, expertise and experience. Our governors provide links between the school, parents/carers, the local community and the Trust Board, which is ultimately responsible to the Department of Education for the performance of all its schools.
Governors’ responsibilities are to:
- think and work strategically to help raise standards
- monitor and evaluate progress
- ensure that the budget is managed effectively
- support the head and staff, and hold the senior leadership to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
The day-to-day running of the school remains the responsibility of the core leadership team (headteacher, Mr Turnham, and the deputy headteachers Ms Nowakowska and Ms Bennett).
Governors are appointed by the Trustees except for parent governors (two), who are elected by parents and carers, and staff governors (two), who are elected by all school staff.
Ruth Ashby
Chair of Governors and Leadership, CPD and Training, Appointed
Start Date
End Date
Jessica Moxham Lynch
Co-Vice Chair and SEND Link Governor, Appointed
Start Date
End Date
Sarah Quarmby
Safeguarding and Yr 1&2 Link Governor, Appointed
Start Date
End Date
Johannes Wolff
Year 5&6 and Leadership Link Governor, Parent Governor
Start Date
End Date
Lamar Hamme
Inclusion and Yr 3& 4 Link Governor, Appointed
Start Date
End Date
Oliver Palethorpe
Year 5&6 and Inclusion Link Governor, Appointed
Start Date
End Date
Marine Bernier
SEND and Communication, Appointed Governor
Start Date
End Date
Safeguarding Sarah, Umu
SEND Jess, Marine
H&S and Premises Carly, Irene
Inclusion (SEND,PP&EDI) Lamar, Oliver
Leadership CPD and Training Ruth, Johannes
Wellbeing and Communication Carly, Marine
N and R Carly
Y1 and Y2 Sarah, Irene
Y3 and Y4 Umu, Lamar
Y5 and Y6 Oliver P, Johannes
The following governors have been in post in the last 12 months.
Mark Sherrin
Oliver Morely
Quddus Akinwale
Gerrard Turner
Diane Powell
Key Forms and Policies
See key policies relating to governance at Lyndhurst Primary School below.
How involved are governors with the school?
We have regular governing body meetings to review how the school is meeting its strategic objectives. Governors also visit the school each term to take part in a learning walk of the school and to meet with their link teachers. This means that all governors have a solid understanding of what our school is like.
How do you become a governor?
Our governing body is made up of parent governors and non-parent governors. As parent governors end their term we conduct elections from within the school community. As non-parent governors terms end we advertise for new governors whose skills sets complement the current team.
Can I raise concerns I have about school with governors?
You should follow the schools complaints process, so in the first instance you should speak to your child's class teacher. Typically the governing body is strategic rather than operational so they will defer most questions to the school's leadership team however some complaints may be escalated to the governing body in line with the complaints process.
How do I contact the Governors?
You can contact our governors by emailing the school office or by emailing