Uniform Information

Expectations for


Our school’s uniform

Our School uniform is optional. We encourage pupils to wear a white shirt or polo-shirt, a green jumper (branded or otherwise) and black trousers, skirts, shorts or pinafores. We suggest sturdy black shoes.

For PE lessons pupils must wear black shorts, leggings or tracksuit trousers and a green t-shirt or jumper. We require sports trainers. 

Appropriate dress

For us appropriate dress is all about ensuring the safety of our children during the school day so that we can properly risk assess.

Children should not arrive at school in shoes with studs, flip flops, sliders or backless shoes. They must not wear tops that expose the shoulder or tops that expose the belly button. We advise against clothing that is overly ripped as it catches on items and causes a danger to your child. Long hair should be tied back. Stud earrings are allowed but no larger earrings and no jewellery is allowed unless permission had been given by the headteacher (such as religious jewellery).

The HALO Code

The HALO Code is a pledge, signed by schools and businesses, that promises members of the Black community that they have the freedom and security to wear all afro-hairstyles without restriction or judgment. At Lyndhurst we are we have adopted the Halo Code, which states:

“Our school champions the right of staff and students to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black staff and students’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance.

We welcome Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps.

At this school, we recognise and celebrate our staff and students’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on anyone's ability to succeed”

In addition to this statement, to comply with our school appropriate dress, we request that:

  • Hats, bandanas, bonnets and du-rags are not allowed for students in school uniform. (except for outdoor hats in cold/hot weather)
  • Hair bands or other discreet accessories should be plain.
  • Religious head coverings should be plain.

Where to purchase it 

New branded uniform items can be purchased from www.schooltrends.co.uk/uniform/LyndhurstPrimarySE58SN 

Friends of Lyndhurst have a small stock of second hand items that are for sale. 



To help you understand uniform at Lyndhurst, explore they key points below...


Pupils are able to wear either the school uniform or appropriate dress at all times:  

  • On the school premises
  • Travelling to and from school 
  • At out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the school, or where they are representing the school (if required)

Parents and carers

Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that every item is: 

  • Clean 
  • Clearly labelled with the child’s name 
  • In good condition  

Parents are also expected to contact the school office office@lyndhurst.southwark.sch.ukif they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to:

  • Their child’s protected characteristics
  • The cost of the uniform 

Parents are expected to lodge any complaints or objections relating to the school uniform in a timely and reasonable manner. 

Disputes about the cost of the school uniform will be: 

  • Resolved locally 
  • Dealt with in accordance with our school’s complaints policy 

The school will work closely with parents to arrive at a mutually acceptable outcome. 


Staff will closely monitor pupils to make sure they are in correct uniform. They will give any pupils and families breaching the uniform policy the opportunity to comply, but will follow up with the headteacher if the situation doesn’t improve. 

Ongoing breaches of our uniform policy will result in a meeting with a member of the leadership team. 

In cases where it is suspected that financial hardship has resulted in a pupil not complying with this uniform policy, staff will take a mindful and considerate approach to

Our school’s legal duties under the Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination against an individual based on the protected characteristics, which include sex, race, religion or belief, and gender reassignment. 

To avoid discrimination, our school will: 

  • Avoid listing uniform items based on sex, to give all pupils the opportunity to wear the uniform they feel most comfortable in or that most reflects their self-identified gender 
  • Make sure that our uniform costs the same for all pupils
  • Allow all pupils to have long hair (though we reserve the right to ask for this to be tied back) 
  • Allow all pupils to style their hair in the way that is appropriate for school yet makes them feel most comfortable 
  • Allow pupils to request changes to swimwear for religious reasons 
  • Allow pupils to wear headscarves and other religious or cultural symbols 
  • Allow for adaptations to our policy on the grounds of equality by asking pupils or their parents to get in touch with the school office office@lyndhurst.southwark.sch.uk who can answer questions about the policy and respond to any requests  

Limiting the cost of school uniform 

Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform. 

We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have to have a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price.  

We will make sure our uniform:

  • Is available at a reasonable cost 
  • Provides the best value for money for parents/carers

We will do this by: 

  • Carefully considering whether any items with distinctive characteristics are necessary
  • Limiting any items with distinctive characteristics where possible: for example, by not requiring a branded PE t-shirt
  • Limiting items with distinctive characteristics to low-cost or long-lasting items, such as ties 
  • Considering cheaper alternatives to school-branded items, such as logos that can be ironed on, as long as this doesn’t compromise quality and durability
  • Avoiding specific requirements for items pupils could wear on non-school days, such as coats, bags and shoes 
  • Keeping the number of optional branded items to a minimum, so that the school’s uniform can act as a social leveler 
  • Avoiding different uniform requirements for different year/class/house groups
  • Avoiding different uniform requirements for extra-curricular activities 
  • Considering alternative methods for signaling differences in groups for interschool competitions, such as creating posters or labels 
  • Making sure that arrangements are in place for parents to acquire second-hand uniform items 
  • Avoiding frequent changes to uniform specifications and minimising the financial impact on parents of any changes
  • Consulting with parents and pupils on any proposed significant changes to the uniform policy and carefully considering any complaints about the policy


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