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Reception Weekly News 21.3.25

March 21, 2025

Reception Weekly News

Reception Weekly News 7.3.25

Reception Weekly News 28.2.25


Belinda Jarman (Mrs)

Phase Leader - Early Years Foundation Stage & Reception Teacher

Katie -Lee Robinson (Ms)

Reception Teacher & Design & Technology and Art Subject Leader


The emphasis in reception is on using language. Staff use phrases that promote sustained shared thinking such as ‘I wonder if...’, ‘What else could you try?’ or ‘What did you notice? ’to help learners clarify concepts, evaluate activities, extend narratives or extend and develop thinking. Activates and resources are designed to encourage not only independent play but also the development of fine and gross motor skills. Children spend the majority of the day in continuous provision with a few more formal carpet sessions for phonics, writing and maths.




Books we are studying this term:

• The Great Big Book of Families

• Welcome to our World

• The Barefoot book of Children

• The Gigantic Turnip

• Leafman

• This is not a Stick

• Pumpkin Soup

• Rama and the Demon King

• Animal Homes

• Stickman

• The Story of Hannukah

• Christmas stories

Vocabulary Focus:

Family, local environment, global citizen, unique, vegetables, autumn, harvest, seasons, leaves, habitats, hibernating animals & winter.

Books we are studying this term:

• The Fox and the Star

• The Fox and the Wild

• Oi Get off our Train

• The Great Race

• The Magic Paintbrush

• George and the Dragon

• Zog

• Nursery Rhymes

• Each Peach Pear Plum

• Little Lumpty

• Old Bear

• Tadpole’s Promise

Vocabulary Focus:

Foxes, forests, city and country, endangered animals, Lunar New Year, dragons, rhymes, nursery rhyme characters, old and new, frogspawn and tadpoles.

Books we are studying this term:

• Errol’s Garden

• Jack and the Beanstalk

• The Tiny Seed

• The Little Red Hen

• The Giant Jam Sandwich

• Information books on minibeasts

• Anansi the Spider

• Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish

• The Fossil Girl

• How to Find Gold

• Don’t Worry Little Crab

Vocabulary Focus:

Plants and seeds, growing, chicks and eggs, spring/summer changes, minibeasts in our setting, butterfly lifecycle, dinosaurs, language of past (Mary Anning) and future/looking forward to Year 1.







Comparison of numbers up to 5

2D shape

Positional language

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Music Notation and Performance

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Art & Design

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Observational drawing

Modelling animals in clay

Painting using watercolours

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PSHE / Wellbeing

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Dreams and Goals





Overcoming obstacles  

Seeking help


Achieving goals 


Healthy Me

Exercising bodies  

Physical activity

Healthy food  


Keeping clean Safety 


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Geography / History

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Pupils have the opportunity to explore older [pieces of technology in role play activities. They will also use some hardware as part of adult lead sessions. Formal computing sessions start in year one.

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All pupils will receive one block of specialist dance instruction.

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Children are exposed to occasional French vocabulary and formal teaching starts in later year groups.

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Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Being Me in My World:

‘Who am I and how do I fit?’



• Family Flower collages

• Paralympic races

• Class Rules

Celebrating Difference:

Respect for similarity and difference.

Anti-bullying and being unique



• Being brave (Little Crab)



Dreams & Goals:

Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this



•New Year’s Resolutions

•Caring for our world/animals

Health Me: 

Being and keeping safe and healthy



•Class rules (Humpty)

•Second chances (Humpty!)


Building positive, healthy relationships



•Taking care of thechicks

Changing Me: 

Coping positively with change 



•Growing vegetables and eating healthy food

•Year One transition activities


Books we are studying this term:

• The Great Big Book of Families

• Welcome to our World

• The Barefoot book of Children

• The Gigantic Turnip

• Leafman

• This is not a Stick

• Pumpkin Soup

• Rama and the Demon King

• Animal Homes

• Stickman

• The Story of Hannukah

• Christmas stories

Vocabulary Focus:

Family, local environment, global citizen, unique, vegetables, autumn, harvest, seasons, leaves, habitats, hibernating animals & winter.

Phonics Programme (Little Wandle):

Phase2: introducing consonant digraphs, and common exception words

Books we are studying this term:

• The Fox and the Star

• The Fox and the Wild

• Oi Get off our Train

• The Great Race

• The Magic Paintbrush

• George and the Dragon

• Zog

• Nursery Rhymes

• Each Peach Pear Plum

• Little Lumpty

• Old Bear

• Tadpole’s Promise

Vocabulary Focus:

Foxes, forests, city and country, endangered animals, Lunar New Year, dragons, rhymes, nursery rhyme characters, old and new, frogspawn and tadpoles.

Phonics Programme (Little Wandle):

Phase 3: vowel digraphs and trigraphs, common exception words

Phase 3: double letters and longer words, exception words

Books we are studying this term:

• Errol’s Garden

• Jack and the Beanstalk

• The Tiny Seed

• The Little Red Hen

• The Giant Jam Sandwich

• Information books on minibeasts

• Anansi the Spider

• Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish

• The Fossil Girl

• How to Find Gold

• Don’t Worry Little Crab

Vocabulary Focus:

Plants and seeds, growing, chicks and eggs, spring/summer changes, minibeasts in our setting, butterfly lifecycle, dinosaurs, language of past (Mary Anning) and future/looking forward to Year 1.


Number and Pattern, Shape, Space & Measure: 

Matching– To be able to identify similarities and differences across a range of criteria (e.g. shape, size, colour, orientation)

Sorting– To sort by colour, shape, size, texture, orientation and function

Comparingand sorting- Tobe able to compare and order by size, length and time

AB patterns- To be able to recognise, extend, create and fix simple AB patterns.

Counting - To be able to count reliably (with one-to-one correspondence and understanding of cardinality) up to five forwards and backwards.

To be able to compare numbers, order and write numbers to five.

Time  - To talk about time in terms of night and day, days of the week and months of the year.

To use language related to time and to be able to sequence events.

Composition of numbers up to5  - To know the 1 more than, 1 less than relationship between consecutive whole numbers.

To be able to represent the numbers1–5 in different ways.

2D - To recognise language associated with 2D shapes, specifically triangles and squares.

To recognise language associated with 2D shapes, specifically rectangles and circles.

Positional language - To understand and use positional language.

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Understanding the World

Talk about family and community

Experience, collect and name autumn materials

Look at aerial view of earth, Europe, UK, London, our school

Discuss/visit places of worship

Invite visitors to share how they celebrate festivals

Learn about environments where animals hibernate/migrate

Observe snow and ice freezing and melting

Learn about Diwali, Hannukah, Christmas

Be ‘fox detectives’ in local environment

Talk about the past in Magic Paintbrush story

Talk about contrasts between city and ‘the wild’

Discuss caring for the natural world

•Learn about Lunar New Year

Look at spring flowers we planted as bulbs

Careful observation of frogspawn/ tadpoles in tank

Look at teddies from the past

Talk about children’s own past (pictures of children with own teddies)

•Learn about Easter

Observe life cycles (frogs/chicks)

Grow beans and cress

Plant potatoes, salad and flowers in our setting

Learn about Eid

Find/name/learn about range of minibeasts

Make boats to float on water

Draw treasure maps

Learn about the past through fossils and dinosaurs

Expressive Art and Design

Weekly singing and music lessons, daily singing and rhymes in class

Daily access to a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting, collage and construction

Daily access to spaces, resources and props for imaginative play, role play and performance

Opportunities for music making with percussion and piano


Mix paint colours for pumpkins

Explore range of tools/techniques for modelling

Close observational drawing of crab

Model using clay

Learn, rehearse and perform new songs

Create model animal habitat for puppet in several stages

Make loose parts picture from natural materials



Weekly singing and music lessons, daily singing and rhymes in class

Daily access to a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting, collage and construction

Daily access to spaces, resources and props for imaginative play, role play and performance

Opportunities for music making with percussion and piano


Close observational drawing of fox illustration

Work in groups to make giant train/lion head

Use papier mache to make Humpty

Close observational drawings of old bears

Weekly singing and music lessons, daily singing and rhymes in class

Daily access to a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting, collage and construction

Daily access to spaces, resources and props for imaginative play, role play and performance

Opportunities for music making with percussion and piano


Torn paper collage of spring flowers

Close observational drawing of bulb/shoot/flower, and of growing beans

Close observational drawing of minibeasts

Learn and perform songs for end of year concert

Physical Development

Develop range of movement skills including travelling, jumping, climbing, hopping, skipping, rolling

Daily access to range of wheeled resources, range of large and small apparatus, and balls

Daily ‘class run’ and movement sessions to get out of breath

Whole class sessions on MUGA to practice movement and ball skills

 Develop small motor skills in order to use a range of simple tools safely and with control throughout setting

Develop fine motor control in drawing and letter formation(child initiated and adult-led)


 Explore outdoor area Cut vegetables

Harvest and weed

Running and obstacle races

Digging to plant bulbs

Use range of tools to make animal puppet habitat

Using clay

Dreams & Goals:

Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this



•New Year’s Resolutions

•Caring for our world/animals

Health Me: 

Being and keeping safe and healthy



•Class rules (Humpty)

•Second chances (Humpty!)

Develop range of movement skills including travelling, jumping, climbing, hopping, skipping, rolling

Daily access to range of wheeled resources, range of large and small apparatus, and balls

Daily ‘class run’ and movement sessions to get out of breath

Whole class sessions on MUGA to practice movement and ball skills

 Develop small motor skills in order to use a range of simple tools safely and with control throughout setting

Develop fine motor control in drawing and letter formation(child initiated and adult-led)


Spread and cut to make sandwich

Knead dough

Sportsday practice

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Being Me in My World:

‘Who am I and how do I fit?’



• Family Flower collages

• Paralympic races

• Class Rules

Celebrating Difference:

Respect for similarity and difference.

Anti-bullying and being unique



• Being brave (Little Crab)



Dreams & Goals:

Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this



•New Year’s Resolutions

•Caring for our world/animals

Health Me: 

Being and keeping safe and healthy



•Class rules (Humpty)

•Second chances (Humpty!)


Building positive, healthy relationships



•Taking care of thechicks

Changing Me: 

Coping positively with change 



•Growing vegetables and eating healthy food

•Year One transition activities


Books we are studying this term:

• The Great Big Book of Families

• Welcome to our World

• The Barefoot book of Children

• The Gigantic Turnip

• Leafman

• This is not a Stick

• Pumpkin Soup

• Rama and the Demon King

• Animal Homes

• Stickman

• The Story of Hannukah

• Christmas stories

Vocabulary Focus:

Family, local environment, global citizen, unique, vegetables, autumn, harvest, seasons, leaves, habitats, hibernating animals & winter.

Phonics Programme (Little Wandle):

Phase2: introducing consonant digraphs, and common exception words

Books we are studying this term:

• The Fox and the Star

• The Fox and the Wild

• Oi Get off our Train

• The Great Race

• The Magic Paintbrush

• George and the Dragon

• Zog

• Nursery Rhymes

• Each Peach Pear Plum

• Little Lumpty

• Old Bear

• Tadpole’s Promise

Vocabulary Focus:

Foxes, forests, city and country, endangered animals, Lunar New Year, dragons, rhymes, nursery rhyme characters, old and new, frogspawn and tadpoles.

Phonics Programme (Little Wandle):

Phase 3: vowel digraphs and trigraphs, common exception words

Phase 3: double letters and longer words, exception words

Books we are studying this term:

• Errol’s Garden

• Jack and the Beanstalk

• The Tiny Seed

• The Little Red Hen

• The Giant Jam Sandwich

• Information books on minibeasts

• Anansi the Spider

• Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish

• The Fossil Girl

• How to Find Gold

• Don’t Worry Little Crab

Vocabulary Focus:

Plants and seeds, growing, chicks and eggs, spring/summer changes, minibeasts in our setting, butterfly lifecycle, dinosaurs, language of past (Mary Anning) and future/looking forward to Year 1.


Number and Pattern, Shape, Space & Measure: 

Matching– To be able to identify similarities and differences across a range of criteria (e.g. shape, size, colour, orientation)

Sorting– To sort by colour, shape, size, texture, orientation and function

Comparingand sorting- Tobe able to compare and order by size, length and time

AB patterns- To be able to recognise, extend, create and fix simple AB patterns.

Counting - To be able to count reliably (with one-to-one correspondence and understanding of cardinality) up to five forwards and backwards.

To be able to compare numbers, order and write numbers to five.

Time  - To talk about time in terms of night and day, days of the week and months of the year.

To use language related to time and to be able to sequence events.

Composition of numbers up to5  - To know the 1 more than, 1 less than relationship between consecutive whole numbers.

To be able to represent the numbers1–5 in different ways.

2D - To recognise language associated with 2D shapes, specifically triangles and squares.

To recognise language associated with 2D shapes, specifically rectangles and circles.

Positional language - To understand and use positional language.

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Understanding the World

Talk about family and community

Experience, collect and name autumn materials

Look at aerial view of earth, Europe, UK, London, our school

Discuss/visit places of worship

Invite visitors to share how they celebrate festivals

Learn about environments where animals hibernate/migrate

Observe snow and ice freezing and melting

Learn about Diwali, Hannukah, Christmas

Be ‘fox detectives’ in local environment

Talk about the past in Magic Paintbrush story

Talk about contrasts between city and ‘the wild’

Discuss caring for the natural world

•Learn about Lunar New Year

Look at spring flowers we planted as bulbs

Careful observation of frogspawn/ tadpoles in tank

Look at teddies from the past

Talk about children’s own past (pictures of children with own teddies)

•Learn about Easter

Observe life cycles (frogs/chicks)

Grow beans and cress

Plant potatoes, salad and flowers in our setting

Learn about Eid

Find/name/learn about range of minibeasts

Make boats to float on water

Draw treasure maps

Learn about the past through fossils and dinosaurs

Expressive Art and Design

Weekly singing and music lessons, daily singing and rhymes in class

Daily access to a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting, collage and construction

Daily access to spaces, resources and props for imaginative play, role play and performance

Opportunities for music making with percussion and piano


Mix paint colours for pumpkins

Explore range of tools/techniques for modelling

Close observational drawing of crab

Model using clay

Learn, rehearse and perform new songs

Create model animal habitat for puppet in several stages

Make loose parts picture from natural materials



Weekly singing and music lessons, daily singing and rhymes in class

Daily access to a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting, collage and construction

Daily access to spaces, resources and props for imaginative play, role play and performance

Opportunities for music making with percussion and piano


Close observational drawing of fox illustration

Work in groups to make giant train/lion head

Use papier mache to make Humpty

Close observational drawings of old bears

Weekly singing and music lessons, daily singing and rhymes in class

Daily access to a range of materials and tools for drawing, painting, collage and construction

Daily access to spaces, resources and props for imaginative play, role play and performance

Opportunities for music making with percussion and piano


Torn paper collage of spring flowers

Close observational drawing of bulb/shoot/flower, and of growing beans

Close observational drawing of minibeasts

Learn and perform songs for end of year concert

Physical Development

Develop range of movement skills including travelling, jumping, climbing, hopping, skipping, rolling

Daily access to range of wheeled resources, range of large and small apparatus, and balls

Daily ‘class run’ and movement sessions to get out of breath

Whole class sessions on MUGA to practice movement and ball skills

 Develop small motor skills in order to use a range of simple tools safely and with control throughout setting

Develop fine motor control in drawing and letter formation(child initiated and adult-led)


 Explore outdoor area Cut vegetables

Harvest and weed

Running and obstacle races

Digging to plant bulbs

Use range of tools to make animal puppet habitat

Using clay

Dreams & Goals:

Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this



•New Year’s Resolutions

•Caring for our world/animals

Health Me: 

Being and keeping safe and healthy



•Class rules (Humpty)

•Second chances (Humpty!)

Develop range of movement skills including travelling, jumping, climbing, hopping, skipping, rolling

Daily access to range of wheeled resources, range of large and small apparatus, and balls

Daily ‘class run’ and movement sessions to get out of breath

Whole class sessions on MUGA to practice movement and ball skills

 Develop small motor skills in order to use a range of simple tools safely and with control throughout setting

Develop fine motor control in drawing and letter formation(child initiated and adult-led)


Spread and cut to make sandwich

Knead dough

Sportsday practice


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