The Scoop Summer Holiday Edition 2023

I hope that you are all having a wonderful summer break and, like me, are able to spend some quality time with family and friends. Iwouldn’t normally send a Scoop in the summer break but I wanted to give you some dates with sufficient notice. So here is a shorter summer scoop!


Meet the Team Meetings:

In the first full week of school we will be holding a series of meet the team meetings where you will be able to meet your child’s year group teachers and hear a little about the curriculum offer. These meetings will happen on Thursday, 7th September. Each year group will host two identical sessions one at 3:45pm and one at 5:30pm. Slides will be posted online for those who are unable to attend.


Meet the new Catering Team:

Representatives from our new catering company ‘Olive Dinning’ will be at school on Thursday 7th September during before and after the meet the team meetings so that you can ask any questions you might have directly.


We’re Going Cashless!

With the closure of our local branch we have had to examine how we take payments. As of Friday, 15th September we will no longer be able to take cash payments. We will continue to take payments on ParentPay. We know that for some families this may be disruptive, if you would like a member of staff to help set you on to make payments on ParentPay then please just speak to a member of the office team and we will provide all of the support we can.

Building Work:

Over the summer we started an ambitious project to strip, repaint and install new built in teaching walls into the year one classrooms. This will be the prototype for future upgrades to the old building classrooms. It’s taken longer than planned but we are confident that the redecoration of the two classrooms will be complete by September – the new teaching walls and the additional furniture however will arrive over the first half term (and will be ready by the end of half term at the latest). We’ve also had more work completed on our heating system, the windows in the new building, our external doors and our keys.

Limited staffing on INSET days:

Due to staff training we will have limited staffing of the office on Thursday, 31st August and Friday, 1stSeptember. Emails and phone messages will be responded to on Monday, 4thSeptember. We thank you for your understanding.


We can’t wait to see you back at school on Monday, 4thSeptember ready for the new academic year.