Festive Lane 2024-5

March 20, 2025
Festive Lane 2024-5

Now in our fourth year ‘Festive Lane’ is an annual event that coincides with our Winter Fair.

Now in our fourth year ‘Festive Lane’ is an annual event that coincides with our Winter Fair. The autumn of 2021; second UK lockdown and all sorts of plans disrupted. The Winter Fair went ahead, albeit it in a very different format, stalls dotted in front of family’s houses throughout Camberwell. We wanted to do something to surprise and hopefully give some cheer and joy to our children and families. The idea was to make decorations from natural materials, as much as possible, with the children helping to make and prepare these. The first year we gathered on a bitterly cold Saturday, bright blue skies and sunshine to weave ivy, evergreens and holly, to hang dried oranges, sparkly pine-cones and cinnamon sticks. That year the whole school collaborated in learning a song which we played through speakers so everyone could hear it. Although we no longer do the song we have continued the tradition of decorating the front lane in time for our Winter fair. Children and parents love it and lots of passerby’s stop and take footage for social media.