Promoting a Love of Reading
Our wonderful library is now firmly at the heart of our school community
At the start of the academic year we moved our beautiful library (that was created last year with the support of Acorn Estate Agents) to the heart of our school. It now takes pride of place in our playground and has become a focal point of our school. Our vision was for reading to be at the centre of what we do rather than behind a security accessed door and this was one step towards making that reality.
In addition to a more prominent position we have also ensured that the library is open at lunchtimes so that pupils can read and enjoy a calm indoor space. We have also started to open the library to families after school until 4pm each day so that families can read together, access devices for home work or just have somewhere warm to sit.
Plans are underway to get a book exchange set up in the playground to facilitate swapping of books between families and to provide some additional books for reading outside.