The Scoop 20th September

It has been an action-packed start to the term. We have welcomed many of you to meet the teacher sessions, our children have all enjoyed a brilliant coding session (paid for by The Friends of Lyndhurst) and organised by our excellent Computing Subject Leaders. We have seen dance lessons start with Dance Educates and swimming lessons start at Camberwell baths.

On a personal note, it has been wonderful greeting so many of you at the gates over the last few weeks. I’ve been constantly impressed by just how strong and welcoming a community Lyndhurst is.  

Here are the week’s notices.

Friends of Lyndhurst:

F.O.L is a parents-teacher association, we are all automatically members and as such are all welcome to attend any meetings. The association has two main aims: to run events that are inclusive and develop our school community and to run events the raise money to support the school.  The committee have asked me to pass on this message:

“Thanks so much to everyone who attended the Friends of Lyndhurst meeting on Friday. It was a great turnout and fantastic to see so many new and returning parents. We encourage you to read the Minutes attached for a full record of all discussed.”

F.O.L is currently looking for Class Reps - every class normally has a minimum of two Class Reps who run the class WhatsApp Group (or email group) and help pass on information to their fellow class parents.

Whilst every year has a WhatsApp Group, it is up to each parent whether they want to join and is not an official means of communication. However, the WhatsApp groups are very useful for parents’ communications and class community building. Any parent interested in being a rep for their class, please email indicating which class you would like to represent. If you would like to join a WhatsApp group and haven't heard about the group for your year(s), please also email.

Some key F.O.L dates:

  • FOL Winter Fair Planning Meeting, Friday 23rdSeptember @ 9am in the School Dining Room.
  • Friends of Lyndhurst Welcome Evening, Thursday 29th September @ 6pm-8pm enter via reception.
  • Next FOL meeting, including AGM, Friday 14th October @ 9am in the School Dining Room.

Road Safety:

A number of you have expressed concern about Grove Lane during drop off and pick up. Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers not to pull up on the zig zags outside of school or to park dangerously.

Lyndhurst Proms:

Hopefully many of you will have seen that the Lyndhurst Proms has a new date, Tuesday 27th September at 6:30pm. Please look out for further details about this exciting event.

Parent Conferences:

This week we look forward to welcoming you all back into school to meet with your child’s class teacher for a short meeting to discuss their progress and expectations for the year. Please remember that these are only short meetings so if you need a more private and in-depth conversation you should make an alternate appointment. Our teachers will be working hard to stick to time as we know many of you have made child care plans.

Rain Jackets:

As we near the end of September we are starting to see the weather shift. We aim to ensure that our pupils get outside into the fresh air during break and lunch as we know that this benefits them. As autumn draws in please make sure that your child has an appropriate clothing, shoes and a jacket suitable for rainy days.

Pupil Planers:

Last week all pupils received their pupil planners, these should go home each evening and return to school each morning (it’s an excellent way of promoting independence). They should be used to record what your child is reading at home when the read daily. They should also be used to record your child’s weekly target.


Lastly, this week we see our before and after school clubs begin. Please ensure your child knows if they have a club and that if it is a sporting one they have the correct attire.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Their emails can be found in the parent info guide. Have a great week everyone.

Mr Tom Turnham
