The Scoop Week 21st May 2024

Dear Families,

Friday was an exciting day at Lyndhurst, not only did staff attend a robust training exploring how we communicate but the long-awaited Lyndhurst Sensory Room was installed! We are still waiting for a delivery of balls for the ball pit and we have yet to get sensory panels on the walls but the room’s main structure is in. Over the next week or so we will be introducing pupils and staff to the space. It really is very exciting.

Here are this week’s notices:

Eid Celebration 21stJune 3:30pm:

To mark Eid Al Adha we will be hosting an Eid event at Lyndhurst. There will be food, cultural displays, gifts, Henna and jewellery making. All proceeds will go to the year six fundraising efforts.  You can find more information on this poster.

Jaegar Half-Term Holiday Camp:

Jaegar Holiday Club May-Yay Half Term Camp is now open for bookings:

Please find Link to the Booking Page HERE 

Year Six Sponsored Run:

Our Year Six pupils are taking part in a sponsored run covering the same distance as the journey to Swanage- a whopping 116 miles, which equates to 2,475 laps of the MUGA! All proceeds collected will be going towards our School Journey and other year 6 events. You can donate by using this link:  

They’ll be completing their run on Friday 24th May. Thanks for your support in advance!

FOL Summer Carnival:

The Summer Carnival is fast approaching, please make sure you save the date and spread the word. The Carnival will be on Saturday, 15thJune starting 3-6pm (with a 2:30 early entry for SEND families). You can find more details on the poster here.

Staffing Update:

I will be going on adoption leave on Monday 17thJune although my last day on site will be Thursday 13th June. Mrs Nowakowska will be stepping up to cover for me with the support of Lucy Ellis.

We are also very excited to announce that Miss Jones, our SENDCO, has been successful in securing a job as an assistant headteacher. We are of course very say but equally thrilled about the new challenge that she is taking on and I hope you join us in wishing her the best of success.

Ms Harwood will be stepping up to be our acting-SENDCo for the next academic year. She has a range of skills which are incredibly well suited for the next stage of our development of our SEND provision.

Project Managers:

We have two exciting projects that we hope to get off the ground in the next 6-12 months. We are looking to see if we have any parents with experience of project management who would be willing to get involved. The first is a community garden and the second a forest classroom. We have some funding for both but may need to do some additional fundraising, sourcing of materials and recruiting volunteers to help with the installation. If you are interested, please contact Mr Turnham.

Sporting Update:

Boys Football: The Lyndhurst boys played their penultimate match on Saturday and it was another rollercoaster for the emotions. After two excellent strikes from Kymanni, we went into half time leading 2-1. However, the second half was a different story. Goals flew in at both ends in a pulsating half of football. Kemarley and Muizz managed to get Lyndhurst into the lead at 4-3 with six minutes to play, but the opposition never gave up and just before the whistle they managed to snatch the win, 5-4. Sad to lose our unbeaten record but huge congratulations to Telferscot. And with one match to go there’s still all to play for... Well done to Kymanni winning player of the match, for two fantastic goals and showing great leadership on the pitch.


Swim Gala: On Friday 3rd May a group of 16 children from Year 3-6 took on the other trust schools as well as JAGS in a swim gala held at JAGS Sports Centre. A huge well done to all of the children involved. The talent on show was exceptional, with us bringing home numerous gold, silver and bronze medals. The children also showed wonderful sportsmanship, cheering on not only our own team, but also individuals from other schools who we’re struggling.


Dance Festival:

Last Friday a group of our Year 5 children headed to Charles Dickens to represent Lyndhurst in the 3rd annual trust dance festival. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to showcase all of the hard work they have been putting in during their dance lessons. A huge well done to all of the children involved for their brilliant dance, it was a joy to watch.



Staying Safe Online:

This week our staying safe online focus is on ‘toddlers and screen time’ You can find the guide here.


Key Dates:

Fri 24th May – SEND Coffee Morning

Week of 27th May-Half Term  

Mon 3rd June- Rainbow of differences-Pride Week – what makes us and our families unique

Fri 7th June– FOL meeting 9am @ library

Fri 14th June – Coffee Morning- Music, Art & DT 9am @library

Sat 15th June- School Fair/Carnival 3pm

Thur 20th June- Sports Day @ Ruskin Park

Thur 20th June- FOL meeting 8pm online

Fri 21st June- Eid Celebration 3:30pm in playground

Fri 29th June- Coffee Morning –assessment 9am in library

Mon 1st July – INSET DAY

Wed 3rd & Thur 4th July –Yr 6 Production Performances

Fri 5th July – FOL meeting 9am @ Library

Wed 10th July- Art Exhibition3:30-4:30pm

Wed 10th July- The Proms Concert 6pm

Fri 12th July – Coffee Morning – SEND9am in library

Mon 15th July- Yr 6 on school journey

Tue 23rd July Last Day – EARLY FINISH1:15pm