The Scoop Week 4th June 2024

Welcome back! It’s been lovely seeing everyone looking so refreshed after the half term break. At school lots has also been happening- the lunch hall was repainted giving us a fresh space to eat our lunch, it even has new indoor planters paid for by FOL. You can’t have missed that our new outdoor multi-gym is also being installed this week and will be ready for use next week(after each class has had their safety briefing).

Here are this week’s announcements:

Pride Week

A reminder that this week is Pride Week, we are looking at what makes us and our families different. Today we explored in assembly what the word pride means and how as individuals we are proud of more than just our academic or physical achievements. We also discussed how important it is to be an advocate and to use our voice appropriately to challenge behaviours that are not respectful. In PSHE lessons this week pupils will explore the fact that families in our school community all look different and then they will reflection what their family looks like (all done in an age appropriate way).

Year Six Production:

The astute amongst you will have noticed that the year six production now falls on election day! We encourage you to sign up for your postal votes so that you can exercise your democratic right as well as enjoying what is set to be another exceptional performance.

Fancy Running a Club:
We are organising our Beyond the Classroom club provision for the autumn term. Do you fancy running a before or after school club, it could be focused on a craft, sport or something else entirely (film, languages or an activity). We are looking for some additional club providers or volunteers. There are a number of ways you can get involved from volunteering to acting as a sole trader. If you are interested and want to find out more please contact Mr Peddle hpeddle@lyndhurst.southwark.sch.ukbefore Friday 14th June, which is when the club offer will go out to parents.

Art Week:

With art week (and our art exhibition) fast approaching we are looking for any parents or friends wishing to run a workshop in school. Please contact Ms Robinson

Author Visit-Jeffrey Boakye:

We are thrilled that next Thursday Jeffrey Boakye will be visiting our school to give a talk to years 4-6. He will be doing a book singing afterschool—you can order a copy to be signed using this link.

Eid Celebration21st June 3:30pm:

To mark Eid Al Adha we will be hosting an Eid event at Lyndhurst. There will be food, cultural displays, gifts, Henna and jewellery making. All proceeds will go to the year six fundraising efforts.  You can find more information on this poster.

Lost Property:

Our lost property store is brimming and we need to make space, we will be laying out the contents of the lost property store this Friday, please collect any items you may be missing as after that we will be emptying the store.

FOL Summer Carnival:

The Summer Carnival is fast approaching, please make sure you save the date and spread the word. The Carnival will be on Saturday, 15th June starting 3-6pm (with a 2:30early entry for SEND families). You can find more details on the poster here.

Staffing Update:

Many of you will recall that at the start of this year Mrs Walker went on maternity leave, unfortunately for us she has accepted a position at a school closer to her home reducing her daily commute significantly. Whilst we are very sad to lose her we know that the additional time gained to spend with her family will be brilliant.  

Staying Safe Online:

This week our staying safe online focus is on ‘group chats  You can find the guide here.

That’s it from us, don’t forget to check out the key dates below.

Key Dates:

Mon 3rd June- Rainbow of differences-Pride Week – what makes us and our families unique

Fri 7th June– FOL meeting 9am @ library

Fri 14th June – Coffee Morning- Music, Art & DT 9am @library

Fri 14th June – Rio Grande Class Assembly 09:15

Sat 15th June- School Fair/Carnival 3pm

Thur 20th June- Sports Day @ Ruskin Park

Thur 20th June- FOL meeting 8pm online

Fri 21st June- Eid Celebration 3:30pm in playground

Fri 28th June- Coffee Morning –assessment 9am in library

Mon 1st July – INSET DAY

Wed 3rd & Thur 4th July –Yr 6 Production Performances

Fri 5th July – FOL meeting 9am @ Library

Wed 10th July- Art Exhibition3:30-4:30pm

Wed 10th July- The Proms Concert 6pm

Fri 12th July – Coffee Morning – SEND9am in library

Mon 15th July- Yr 6 on school journey

Tue 23rd July Last Day – EARLY FINISH1:15pm