The Scoop Week 14th May 2024

It was wonderful to see so many families at the second annual bazaar this Saturday, I also managed to catch a glimpse (over the fence) of part of the boys football match although by all accounts I missed the most dramatic moment. It’s also been great to see lots of our year six pupils join us for a pre-SATS breakfast at school. The SATS are a very full on week for year six but they all seem in great spirits.

Here are this week’s notices:

Early Closure:

A reminder that this Friday we have an early closure for staff training. Pupils will need to be collected at 1:15pm.

Mental Health Week:

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week all pupils are taking part in assemblies and PSHE sessions.  This year the theme is Movement.  On Thursday we will also all be wearing green to mental health week.

Year Six Sponsored Run:

Our Year Six pupils are taking part in a sponsored run covering the same distance as the journey to Swanage- a whopping 116 miles, which equates to 2,475 laps of the MUGA! All proceeds collected will be going towards our School Journey and other year 6 events. You can donate by using this link:  

They’ll be completing their run on Friday 24th May. Thanks for your support in advance!

Jaegar Half-Term Holiday Camp:

Jaegar Holiday Club May-Yay Half Term Camp is now open for bookings:

Please find Link to the Booking Page HERE 

Food Allergies and Medical Conditions:

Please ensure that if your child has any medical or dietary requirements you have checked on the My Child at School app to ensure that they are recorded correctly.

FOL Summer Carnival:

The Summer Carnival is fast approaching, please make sure you save the date and spread the word. The Carnival will be on Saturday, 15thJune starting 3-6pm (with a 2:30 early entry for SEND families). You can find more details on the poster here.

Sports Day:

Sports Day will be taking place on Thursday 20th June at Ruskin Park for Reception – Year 6 and on the MUGA for Nursery. We will be having a picnic for Year 1 – 6 at Ruskin Park before their Sports Day starts, which all families are invited to. Timings and more details about the picnic will go out after half term.

FOL Minutes:

You can find the minutes from the last FOL meeting here.

Staffing Update:

As we approach the end of the summer term it is time to start talking about staffing changes. At Lyndhurst we have a great staff team and so it is always sad when the time comes for them to take up new challenges. However, we are extremely excited about Ms Caldwell’s new adventure. She will be leaving us this September to work in an American school in Morocco. We hope you will join us in wishing Ms Caldwell the best of successes in her new position.


Sporting Update:

Another thriller of a match on Saturday for the boys’ team. Against Loughborough, who were second in the league, the boys managed to get ahead in the first half -Kymanni skilfully sliding the ball under the goalkeeper - and looked in control. However Loughborough came flying out in the second half and Lyndhurst had to work together as a team and show real determination to hang on. It was a nerve jangling watch which was only settled in the second minute of extra time when Alfred M, after an impressive run up the field, was hauled down at the edge of the Loughborough box and Kymanni slotted home the free kick. 2-0 to Lyndhurst. Two players of the match reflecting all the hard work put in, Ruairi for the “tackle of the season” to stop Loughborough’s best chance in the game and Fraser for real tenacity in the midfield to keep winning the ball back.


Staying Safe Online:

This week our staying safe online focus is on ‘top tips for families’ You can find the guide here.


That’s it from us, have a great week.


Key Dates:

Week 13th May – YR 6 SATS week

Fri 17th May- FOL Meeting 9am in the library

Fri 17th May – Waikato Class Assembly9:30am

Fri 24th May – SEND Coffee Morning

Fri 17th May – EARLY CLOSURE 1:15pm

Week of 27th May-Half Term